Friday, July 17, 2015

Information Literacy Post 2

1.  what you have learned in the course
2.  what additional links, if any, you have discovered eg. links to readings or interesting sites pertaining to the course
3.  your feelings about participating in the course
4.  your working relationship with colleagues in the class...
1.) What I learned in my first session with Shemeemah was that I received a definition that basically   sums up everything a person need to know about Information Literacy. In my own words Information Literacy is basically knowing what Information to search for, out of the searched information which of those hints are relevant and reliable, usable and available.
Here is an interesting site, it gives you examples on Information Literacy and what constitutes Information Literacy. Not having much prior knowledge regarding the subject examples bring the concept home to any person, so that's why I found the site helpful.

3.) At first I wasn't sure what the course was about but I realise now that having this course won't just benefit me to the point of gaining a degree but it will also equip me to be information literate meaning that I will always have the benefit of knowing where to look for relevant, accurate and up to date information. And how to use that information.

4.) I, personally, have a great relationship with most of the people in the class. Just Nizam and Charlene that gets on my nerves


  1. Your slide share was quite interesting and very easy to understand.Also that most academic libraries have information literacy on their libguides or on their library sites.You have to check it out.The fact that students also fail to understand how information is organized and accessed, they lose the freedom to seek and critically analyze information for themselves.Hope you will read my article.

  2. Thank you for the slide share Danny boy. Nizam and I are just keeping you on your toes. So we doing you a service (free of charge).

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