Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Interesting lecture on the 28th of July about a concept that has been great influence with regards to all disciplines. The term 'Threshold Concepts', and at it's most basic form it merely means or refers to a certain journey one need to go through ones this occurs a person may fiuratively look back and see an older version of ones point of view or perspective. An example of such an occurence is us being the first ones to go through studying IL in this new framework. It is a journey but on the other end of this portal or pathway we can look back as pioneers, people who paved the way for others with a new understanding of what this framework is about and we would be knowledgeable about this and capable of informing others about it.

My question is however, we mostly spoke about disciplines as in subject fields, law, accounting,  medicine etc. I am thinking about in terms of other fields though as in where people create gimmicks such as in music eg. Dr. Dre could this be a characterisitic of Threshold Concept specifically the characteristic of Boundedness. Because Dr.Dre is a gimmick a stage name and not a real doctor in any sense of the word. So Dr is a self-given name but everyone knows that this man did not study to be a doctor so in the field of music he is known as Dr.Dre and known for putting life into music and curing beats etc. Just a question.

This concept has me thinking about various examples and it's frustrating.

Transformative: Refers to how once something is learned it transforms a persons way of thinking, his way of perceiving. An example I can think of at this moment is how psychiatric patience of Dr Michael Scott Peck felt after being in a few sessions with the Doctor. At first they are ignorant of the things that they are going through and then after he explains to them what is happening within them they are immediately aware of the processes that our minds go through and this brought awareness to the patience and they are immediately transformed in the sense that when they see live foreign objects they should not get scared and freak out, rather they must be aware that the mind sometimes does this due to chemical imbalances etc. Thus they are instantly not afraid when it occurs again.

It is also irreversible in the sense that once you learn it you cannot forget it or unlearn it.

It is integrative also in how various disciplines can learn from other disciplines and thus better their performance in their areas of expertise.

It is also troublesome which means that understanding and grasping a concept or idea or phenomenon it doesn't come without it's difficulty in understanding. It's a struggle to get to understanding, because it's a constant back and forth.

After each lecture I find myself extremely tired but also in a process of metathinking.

I am shaped by various topics, such as the frames for Information Literacy for Higher Education.

1.) I am very honest with the fact that I got a bit of a scare when I came across the first frame in Threshold Concept. Scholarship is a conversation. Everyone knows that people have a lot to say and their are no shortage of experts in any field. So there are a lot of conversations going on about any one specific topic and that is scary since you need to learn all points of view before deciding on which one or ones suits you best.
New insights and ideas are constantly shared during this conversation and it always gives light to more new ideas, there's no definite asnwer that's why research is always done to try to reinvent or further progress certain ideas.

2.)  Research as Inquiry. This refers to research as a process of interacting. A researcher constantly has to rethink, rework, and explore concepts. Students need to learn how to identify unresolved issues and frame appropriate questions that deals with solving or answering them.

3.) Authority of texts is contextual and constructed. This means that authority of a source or discipline depends on its origin, information, need and context within which information will be used. Eg. Dr Michael Scott Peck is a psyciatrist this alone basically gives him great authority so any advice he gives will probably be used. But if he says in order to cure a mental illness you need to walk through a literal fire then one would immediately question whether or not this is legitimate. So it is dependent on context as well as information.

4.) Information Creation as a process.

This refers to the various formats available to a person at any point in time. It refers to also the ways of sharing information. Eg. scholarly facebook pages etc.

5.) Searching as exploration. Search strategy is not straightforward and sequential. It involves inquiry, discovery and serendipity. Discovering one source can lead to the discovery of other sources or avenues.

6.) Information has value. Students should understand their obligation to cite and acknowledge the idea of others. .


  1. First of all let me say that I don't believe that you ran scared of the conversation part. That's probably your favourite part. Please just explain to me in layman's terms which parts of this information is NEW, recycled and just plain old school? Because it feel to me like just common knowledge.

    1. I agree Charlene! Most of these ideas are very familiar to academics whom I have had workshops with. Teachers are fully aware of these abilities that students should possess but they struggle to IMPLEMENT them in lessons. This is why you all will learn how to teach using the Framework....

    2. I do like the way you provide examples to substantiate your argument Daniel. Try to link to an article or news brief about the individuals whom you speak of. This will lend credibility to your argument.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Daniel the way I see it is that the goal of the concepts was to uncover insights that could be broadly applied to improve the overall quality of higher education. A key finding was that there are fundamental components within each discipline that most students struggled to understand. Furthermore, without the full comprehension of these foundational components, students struggled in future courses as well. Over time this accumulating deficiency of core knowledge is compounded; students are moving through curriculum without a clear grasp of essential material resulting in difficulty for both learners and instructors. This is the root of threshold concepts. The way I see it, teaching through traditional learning outcomes versus transformative thresholds is like the difference between treating the symptoms and treating the real source of an illness – in the first, students may be learning the right answers but doesn’t know why and will still struggle to apply these ideas in a complex information environment, but in the second, students not only learn but incorporate these ideas into their thinking, giving them the confidence to respond appropriately and creatively to information issues in the future. This is exciting for librarians too because it gives us more flexibility.

    1. "...incorporate these ideas into their thinking...." I love it!
      It would be nice if you could discuss this more in class Grace...We could all benefit.

  4. I like how you explain the characteristics of the threshold concepts The frames is also well explained. In the academic library the instructor must find out the level of study of the participants because how the lesson will be prepared will differ. The needs of the undergraduate will differ from the postgraduate. I also have a better understanding of the threshold concepts after the lecture.

    1. Thank you for your input and sharing it on my blog Gerald you are always welcome here. May I ask you to use examples when it comes to the difference between Undergraduates needs and Postgraduate needs.

    2. Well said Gerald. The Framework will definitely be customised by academics to suit their teaching. At undergraduate level these frames will be introduced at a very basic degree and will be scaffolded across the years. Postgraduate students will be expected to perform at a more advanced level.

  5. My view is that I do not think Dr. Dre is a threshold concept. It is as you said merely a stage name. Maybe stage names can be a threshold concept in music or rather the broader field of Arts as most artists have one.

    I like how you provide examples to illustrate your understanding it is usually fun to read and very informative and enlightening.

    1. Thank you my friend. At the end of it all I am just trying to better understand what was taught in class as are we all. And I think the examples help a lot especially relating your own examples to the teachings.

    2. In total agreement, Nizam. A threshold concept is an issue, phenomenon, idea, fact etc that is very difficult to grasp. For the student to understand it completely, the teacher has to create examples and activities to allow that student to practice a way of thinking to create better clarity. Think of the example I gave about the chefs and the idea of the temperature gradient. For them to understand how to keep foods warm for longer, they needed to understand a little bit of physics. They are then able to use different utensils and ways of cooking - they had to cross the threshold of understaning the concept of temperature gradient....

  6. I liked the fact that it was acknowledged that learning is not an easy process "troublesome", cause i tend to be impatient with myself when i struggle to understand something.

  7. I cant believe that I am only coming across this debate now, Sorry Danster ;) I can see how we all can learn from each others blogs and responses. Nice going Van Niekerk you should maybe vlog your comment so I can hear how you scolding at Daniel. Thank you every one this was an interesting and informative read.
