Sunday, August 23, 2015

Research as Inquiry

Research as Inquiry

An investigation of the social networking behaviour of grade 9 high school learners at john ramsay senior secondary school.

Learning Outcomes;
1) Learners will have intellectual curiosity in developing questions and learning new investigative methods.
2) Learners will understand where to go to look for appropriate or relevant help
3) Learners will be able to do introspection and uncover their poor social networking activities and he given the tools to improve it.

Activity 1: Seek divergent perspectives during information gathering and assessment. In this activity learners will explore the various ways in which a person can investigate. They will also via means of proper research conduct interviews, questionnaires, etc. So divided into groups each group will go on school computers with internet access and go on sites with information varying research methods. Knowledge Practice: Use a variety of research methods, based on need, circumstance, and type of inquiry

Activity 2): Learners will be given 30 minutes to draw a concept map stemming from the topic and discuss their findings. By creating or drawing this concept map learners will be exposed to finding new ways to search for information, eg. Different concepts may assist in broadening search strategies for a particular topic. A concept map for laptops might bring up notebooks and so allow a researcher to look up information on notebooks or various other synonyms. Knowledge Practice: Deal with complex research by breaking complex questions into simple ones, limiting the scope of investigation, conducting a series of investigations, and performing subsequent steps.

Activity 3): Learners will do 30 minutes of research on the topic of Social Networking, Social Networks, its origins, and how it was initially aimed to be used for and see the gap between its purpose and how they use it. And cite 3 different media sources. Knowledge practices: synthesize ideas gathered from multiple sources, use research appropriately to make decisions and take action, practice self-reflection and meta-cognition.


  1. Thanks, Nizam. I initially planned to work on the topic of 'School learners at John Ramsay and how 'Whatsapp' is affecting their schooling careers, then at the last minute had to change everything because I misunderstood that we were suppose to deal with the topic as was discussed in class. So this task is a result of desperation and pressure. I apologise to my readers for the let down and will correct my mistakes and better my blog post as soon as I can. Sorry!

  2. Hi Daniel

    I hope that you have received my email with tracked changes to your scenario which I had attached as a Word Document. Please append the changes. Thanks Nizam for pointing out an obvious error which I too spotted. Daniel, instead of focusing on identifying keywords, let them do a concept map to broaden their knowledge?
