Sunday, September 6, 2015


Information Literacy Education
What is a Workshop
According to an article that I found ( a workshop can be defined as a single, short educational program designed to teach or introduce to participants practical skills, techniques or ideas which they can then use in their work or their daily lives. They usually share the following commonalities; small (6-15 participants allowing interaction and more focus on individual learning). Designed often for people sharing a certain trade, and conducted by people who have real experience on the subject, they’re participatory, informal, time-limited and self-contained.
Why I would give a workshop
My reason for having a workshop would be to inform people in the ‘Library and Information Services’ department about the importance of creating displays and also to assist in the creation of displays to catch and hold the attention of the people that come to the library and that it has a great and lasting effect on the person/s who were exposed to the display. For further reading on the importance and use of displays in Public Libraries read as well as
When I would offer this workshop
According to the same article referred to above ( It is the norm to offer workshops when a new concept need to be introduced, or the beginning of something new, I would however, make it part of staff training and initial staff development these would be times when I would conduct workshops so as to improve the library use of a library.
How I would conduct a workshop
I would make sure that the three stages of conducting a workshop is always in my mind’s eye whilst the idea of bringing clarity to the staff members regarding the importance of public displays of libraries is the goal. The topic and audience would be essential focus points during the planning stage, what I would look at is do the audience have an idea of what I will be discussing, what are their moods, etc. the topic also need to be relevant to libraries, and in this case it is relevant as it deals with libraries and public displays.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Daniel...I enjoyd reading this ...
    Elaborate on the activities that you will use in the workshop though....Remember that a workshop is very practical. So focus on the design of displays, reasons why they are important etc....
