Monday, October 12, 2015

Information Has Value

Information Has Value

This current frame seems to be to me the easiest to understand as it deals with things we face in not just libraries but everyday life. The Frame of Information has value reflects on the idea that information in itself possesses various dimensions and among those dimensions are commodity, a tool or means of education, a means to influence, and as a means of negotiating and making sense of the world around us.
How information is accessed is bound by legal, socio-political and economic rules and regulations.

There exist mountainous responsibilities when it comes to either consuming or creating information that is based on other peoples work.

We have to cite the words, ideas and products of other people, we need to acknowledge the time and effort it took for them to do the work they did and try to either add to it or provide alternatives to that but we cannot do any of that without the acknowledgement of the creator of the original work done.

We need to know and understand the difference between copyright, open access and the public domain.

Learning Outcomes:

Learners will be able to identify the common issues surrounding a shortage of access to information sources.

Learners will be able to explain what the purpose and distinguishing characteristics of copyright, fair use, open access, and the public domain is about.

Learners will be knowledgeable about the various platforms or markets for various genres of publishing


Search for 5 'Open Access' Journals in the Institutional Repository of the University of the Western Cape and give a clear description of what 'Open Access' is and what the need is for it.

Activitiy number 2 I will have hand-outs for each learner and have the symbols on them and learners will have to on a separate piece of paper write down what each symbol means with the assistance of a computer with internet access and write a brief description of it. eg licence, what is its practical reason for being, etc.

For the 3rd activity learners will be paired into groups and each group will have to decide on various platforms of publishing. The groups then take on the role of author and then by means of understanding the relationship between author and eg. article published in journal or newspaper and what it entails. And then the groups will give feedback on that experience, what they had to go through and what the processes were and what the end result is.

Knowledge Practices:

 recognize issues of access or lack of access to information sources;

articulate the purpose and distinguishing characteristics of copyright, fair use, open access, and the public domain;

decide where and how their information is published;


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I agree with you Danster. One thing that stand out for me in this frame is Value and Respect. I put much value on this frame because it protects the author's information. That is information that he created. When one is the author of something, you put much value on it. For someone just to come and copy your work is totally wrong and unacceptable if you did not permit them to do so. This value can so easily be lost due to unethical use of information. Users of information sometimes use other people’s creative ideas, thoughts and make it their own. This frame acknowledges that the author of specific information needs to be respected. I also like your activity, it is very creative.
