Monday, October 12, 2015

Searching as Exploration

Searching as Exploration


Using my research topic of Social Networking and how it affects school children at John Ramsay Senior Secondary School I will be teaching the Frame Searching as Strategic/Searching as Exploration.

Learning Outcomes:

Learners will be able to adapt a search strategy according to the status quo
Learners will be able to ascertain which platforms for which situation
Learners will know about boolean operators and how it affects the search strategy


Go back to the beginning when the topic was still fresh and start the search strategy that was enforced. Take  out the keywords of the topic and try to brainstorm alternative words or synonyms to find answers. eg. Instead of Social Network use a specific social network and type in 'Facebook' and 'School Children' or instead of 'School Children' type in 'Learners' etc.

Knowledge Practices:

utilize divergent (e.g., brainstorming) and convergent (e.g., selecting the best source) thinking appropriately when searching;

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